Sept 3 Topsy Two Shoes
This post added later as no mobile reception when camped.
We went into Beaumont-sur-Niort and went into the first open cafe on a corner of tbe Town Square. He did not have any croissants, but was happy to let me eat my own that I bought in the Boullangerie on tbe other side of The Square. He also kindly let me plug in my mobile phone to charge. So I left that and my bread there and went off to the local supermarket. We did the usual eat-it-on-the-spot breakfast, before returning to collect the charger.
Sat on the bench beside my tent, I attacked tbe pink sboes that I had bought for Topsy in Niort, and removed a triangular chunk round tbe heel, so that it tben wrapped round her foot. I have tried a series of tapes, even I hate to admit it, some gaffer tape! I had a vehement discussion with my friend Adrian before leaving the UK, as he reckoned that if it saved the Apollo 13 crew, it might do the same for me! Having refused his arguments and even the offer of a free tape, I am ashamed to say that I am now using it! However at least I did not have to carry it for 7 weeks without using it! The only limitations are that the adhesive fails when Topsy goes paddling in water and it all falls off!
The new pink booties have flexible soles, which contour to her foot. They also seem to smoothe the surface, as sbe avoids ztony surfaces, so I assume ber foot is tender. I am getting a problem that the straps that hold tbe black vet boot, tend to press against her dew claw, causing it to cut into her skin which is sore. So I have bandaged this out with anti-septic laced cotton wool between the skin and claw, with more cotton wool bandaged on top of the lot.
Outside Beaumont, we came across the working windmill of Le Moulin de Rimbault, which had been renovated by the community. However, progress for Topsy was obviously hard work and still painfull, and she was reluctant to start again after lunch. After we reached the Fôret Domaine de Chizé and had done about 15k, Topsy just collapsed by the side of the path and looked at me as if to say “No further Dad!”. So rather than press on to Chizé, we stopped and put the tent up in Le forêt de Sept Chênes. If Topsy is in too much pain, then we will just have to call everything off. She is such a game little dog, but I cannot let her suffer.