Oct 18 Un autre adventure français
I came to France for an adventure, and I have left with another French adventure.
Her name is Agnès, charmingly pronounced “Anne-yes”. And all because Topsy had a sore foot.
When I arrived on a Friday in Les Eyzies sur Tayac, I wanted to see the prehistoric rock paintings at Le Font de Gaume. Only this was France, and it was ferméd on Saturdays. Two cyclists at the campsite suggested that I visit “Le Grotte du Sorcier”, as “it was only a couple of kilometres”. It was 6.
When we reached Le Grotte, Topsy was limping and I was wondering how to get her home. The kind lady tour guide made me a coffee and offered to give us a lift home at the end of the day. In gratitude, I invited her out for dinner …..
And that was how I met Agnès.
Now she has given me that most precious gift that only she can give, and take away. Her love.
Today I had lunch over 2 bottles of with 93 year old Père George er Père Roc André. A very sociable event and such nice peaceful men. On my previous visit hsd given me a Scallop shell as the sign of the pilgrim on “Le route St. Jacque”. So in teturn I gave him a scallop shell that I had picked up from the beach on the Meditetanean. He held it to his nose and said: “Ah, la mer!”
I intend to send a shell to everyone who had helped me on my trip, with a short note of thanks. So if you bumped into me and I don’t have your address, then send it by E-mail to this eebsite, or directly to me at psbminty@gmail.com.
Now I am about to leave the floor of this gîte where I have been sleeping at le Prieure de St. Marie des Servites and le Chapelle de St. Ortaire and to take the road to the Atlantic. First Caen then the port of Oustraham.
Now here at a restaurant at the port, and a out to head off to board the boat. Back to England. The wanderer returns!