Sept 18 Le Rivier Vézère par canoë
Went down to the canoe hore place over the bridge and hired a canoe to their weconf stop of Wt. Chhristoph. So was sortef out for a 4 person canoe for me and the dogs and given a double paddle. Then we got in a minibus and were driven up-river and with great relluctance the dogs got on the canoe.
Very scenic with towering cliffs above, some used as trogdylite dwellings. The river a it low, so over some of the rspids we scrapped the nottom. Topsy, who had neen lying on tbe floor, leapt up and tried to jump out! The first couple of times, I managed to calm her down, but then came one particularily large rapid and she was off! Followed by Happy! Followed by me! I tescyef the canoe, dragged it to a gravel bank and persuaded the dogs to get back in. If Happy could have put her legs rounf my neck snd clung on, then she would! A very frightened labrador who clung to me. Topsy would have too, but she is a much more reserved little dog.
So paddling eith two labradors cli ging to you was hard work
What should have taken 3 hours took us 5 hours! So I retired tp the campsite for a beer (well 3!) and wrote this up. The kind people in the tiny 1970s French/German caravan beside me (Stephen and Anne) have kindly agreed to dog-sit tomorrow. So I am off early to the Grotte to queue for a ticket (7AM).