31Aug2 A80 The sparing of Lignières-OrgèresAug 2, 2018Village history from WW2. 98K as the crow flies to Mt. St. Michel
35July30 A71 Week 2 Review: Avranche – Bagnoles sur l’OrneJul 30, 2018https://mintytours.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/DR0000_0071.wav
36July30 A69 Rob & Marion (Dutch), Bagnoles sur l’Orne (I-Eng)Jul 30, 2018Met Dutch randonneurs Rob and Marrion in a café in Bagnoles. They were on a multi-year walk from Ireland to Corsica!
37July29 A68 Trotting car Festival, DomfrontJul 29, 2018Arrived in Dromfront to find a trotting cart race in full swing. A kind man gave the dogs some burnt sausages! There was a band playing circular trumpets thar sounded like a Brazilian football match!
39July27 A66 The gas runs outJul 27, 2018https://mintytours.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/DR0000_0066.wav
40July26 A64 The Chapel at St MontfortJul 26, 2018The dogs thought the cool floor in here was wonderful!